Wednesday, October 5, 2011

9/11 Questions Unanswered

There are many and myriad questions which beg answers.  At another blog at flight11on911 some questions were:
Why didn't pilots signal the hijackings with "HJCK" as taught?  ANSWER...Too well-watched on AA Flight 11 as there were three as passengers and two more hijackers who wore uniforms and had stolen ID.
How does one get stabbed...with a box cutter?  Not very deeply or a KNIFE used.
How did anyone find out about the stolen uniforms/ID?  Uniforms/ID found in left-behind bag.
Award-winning investigative reporter Russ Baker called for a discussion on why so many unanswered questions persist about what exactly happened ten years ago on September 11, 2001.  Russ Baker noted that America has become divided between those who believe in a conspiracy beyond the "official" version of 9/11 and others who reject these conspiracy ideas as "the ravings of lunatics." Russ Baker decided that the reluctance of the MOCACA mainstream media to examine these 9/11 conspiracy theories is the due to so-called professional self-preservation instead of censorship from the government. Baker sees 9/11 as "quicksand" in the eyes of journalists who see it as such a massive story that they hesitate to even begin researching and investigating it.

Baker's says attempts to delve into 9/11 events, encounter one of the problems of investigations in that they tend to put a microscope on "very technical, particular matters which, themselves, may not be resolvable." Conversely, Baker stressed that researchers should "pull the camera back" and examine what may be the larger motives behind the event. Baker also suggested that certain clues to the true nature of 9/11 may be found in the contradictory stories that came out. "The inconsistencies are really interesting to me," he said, "it's the cover-up where you can see that there is something going on, that's the real proof."

Baker is hopeful that what he thinks is the true story of 9/11 will "out" with the assistance of persistent and realistic investigative journalists such as PROMIS reporter/investigator Danny Casolaro.  On an individual basis, Baker encourages/advises reporters to excavate/cultivate reliable sources of information and share that information with others. While seeking sources, Baker advised against buying into the notions of those who "speak about everything with tremendous certitude, that they know exactly what's going on. They don't." Baker said that Americans should become more "responsible citizens" and, by being more politically informed, political candidates would be more likely to op for difficult investigations. "I'm not discouraged," he nonplused, "I think change is eminently possible."

Craig B. Hulet links 9/11 & corporatism.

Geopolitical analyst Craig B. Hulet expressed his opinion on 9/11 as well as the current malase foisted on America. Craig B. Hulet has profound skepticism for the "official" version of the 9/11 event, thus he declared that "there's absolutely no possibility that Bin Laden did it." As most of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals, Hulet sees "it had to be nation-state intelligence" and suggested Saudi Arabia as a possible suspect.  Pointing to that theory, Hulet noted that the FBI picked up all documentation related to this possibility and moved swiftly to classify the data. Looking past and beyond 9/11, Hulet points accusingly at the wealthy elite as being behind global unrest in general and, opined about the rise of "corporatism" in America and warned that it "lends itself to nothing but lies and fabrication and manipulation and theft."

Furthermore, geopolitical analyst Craig B. Hulet discussed evidence of the Saudi intelligence authority, a Saudi "Mossad as it were, being involved with 9/11 as well as the War on Terror. Mossad is short for HaMossad leModi'in uleTafkidim Meyuchadim which is the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations.  Hulet noted a recent lawsuit brought by insurance company Lloyd's of London vs the Saudi Arabia government alleges that the country was complicit in the September 11th attacks. "We've got evidence being collected that absolutely proves Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11," Hulet stated. While this revelation does not excuse the terrorists who fry in Tophet for committing the attack, he stressed that "none of this could have happened, for the last 20 years, without hundreds of millions of dollars from the Saudi royal family." Additionally, multiplied million$ wasted on Muslim schools which indoctrinate hatred of Jews and infidels in poorer Muslim and other countries is a certain blameworthy aspect.  Hulet mentions a West Point document which notes that over half the foreign fighters killing Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq are Saudis, AKA Gucci Mooches or rich Saudis who copter and Toyota into a war-torn country a-la-bin-Laden, "week-ending" in Afghanistan and recruiting other luxuriously shod Gucci Mooches.

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